Lent Resources

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, 5th March. 

Christians often use this as a time of reflection during the period before the Celebration of Easter.
Below are a variety of links and resources to guide you through Lent. 

Bible Society - Lent Encounter

Bible readings, devotions and podcast.

Big Church Read - Wild Bright Hope

Through stories, reflections, and bold ideas, Wild Bright Hope not only encourages a hopeful outlook but also invites readers to play their part in bringing God’s kingdom to life.

Church of England - Living Hope

Daily emails with Bible readings, short reflections and a practical challenge, as well as prayers linked to weekly themes.

LAMPS - The Passion Stories

Reflections for the season based on The Passion performance.

Methodist Church - Soul Food

Daily emails with recipes, crafts, bible studies, stories, reflections and videos.

United Reformed Church - Quiet Day - 22nd March - New Beginnings

Thinking about Lent using a variety of approaches, over three sessions. 10.00 to 16.30